I Tried 7 Grocery Store Dill Pickles, and the Winner Is a Total Classic (2025)

If I could be a trending food, I’d be pickles. Unlike its viral food predecessors (smoothie bowls, butter boards, and blended cottage cheese, I’m talking about you), pickles are beloved not just by trendy TikTokers, but also kids and Gen Xers. Who wouldn’t want to be appreciated by anyone and everyone?

Pickles are so popular that even their flavor has been used to season dips, chips, classic condiments, and even canned fish! But give me a good classic dill pickle, and I’m a happy girl! That’s why I set out to find the best of the best available at the grocery store.

How I Chose the Dill Pickles

I roamed the refrigerator and condiment aisles of chain grocery stores for a variety of brands and selected only those that I knew were widely available. They had to be designated as “dill” in some way and needed to be in spear form to be considered. No price point was deemed “off-limits” because this is a taste test, after all.

How I Tested and Rated the Dill Pickles

I gathered my trusty tasters, and we judged our pickle experience on several factors. First, of course was flavor. It had to taste like a pickle, and also taste good. Second was crunch. We were after that crispy snap that’s perfect, bite after bite. Last was appearance. Did it look like a cucumber, or some kind of weirdly colored alien food? To keep things fair, we enjoyed the pickles on unlabeled plates and took sips of water between samples to cleanse our palates.

The Best Store-Bought Dill Pickles, Ranked

7th Place: Mt. Olive Kosher Dill Spears

These pickles are an odd, neon yellow color and lack structure. Their limp demeanor and confusing color made us wonder how exactly this pickle was made. Unfortunately, tasting it didn’t improve its likability. One tester took a bite and immediately said, “No!” Another was a little more open-minded, saying, “it’s not that bad, it’s just not good.” It didn’t taste like a traditional dill pickle, and it lacked the punchy vinegar flavor we hoped for. Since it didn’t perform well in any category, we ranked it last.

6th Place: Dietz & Watson Kosher Pickle Spears

I Tried 7 Grocery Store Dill Pickles, and the Winner Is a Total Classic (2)

This refrigerated pickle seemed like a promising contender. It looked like a cucumber and the pickles were a nice size. They were pretty crunchy, but something seemed off about the flavor. They tasted not like pickles, but chemicals. One tester said, “these taste ‘off.’” We all agreed. Looking good wasn’t enough to win us over, so these landed in 6th place.

5th Place: Yee Haw No Frills Dills

I Tried 7 Grocery Store Dill Pickles, and the Winner Is a Total Classic (3)

These looked good and gave off solid cucumber vibes with their nubby and crisp exterior. However, the interior was overly soft, which no one loved. The flavor was generally mild and didn’t give us the pickle punch we craved. We placed it in the “meh” category, which put it in 5th place overall.

4th Place: Suckerpunch Snappy Classic Dill Spears

I Tried 7 Grocery Store Dill Pickles, and the Winner Is a Total Classic (4)

This was the darkest pickle of the bunch, and one tester asked, “are these pickles okay?” To be fair, the color is likely due to the blend of spices (we detected cloves) and seasonings they use. The texture was great though, and the pickles were crisp, which we all loved. As for flavor, it’s not traditional. You can definitely taste the garlic and lots of warm spices, like the above mentioned clove. We agreed that we liked these, but they didn’t fall close enough to the classic, so 4th place seemed right.

3rd Place: Vlasic Zesty Dill Spears

I Tried 7 Grocery Store Dill Pickles, and the Winner Is a Total Classic (5)

We were faced with another abnormally colored pickle. Its 1980's-inspired neon yellow color didn’t sit well with testers, at least at first. Ironically, the color was completely forgotten once we tasted the pickle. It was bright and had a nice clean flavor. It felt classic and reminded our older taste testers of childhood cookouts, where similar pickles were served alongside hotdogs and hamburgers. They were relatively crunchy, but could’ve ranked higher if they’d provided a crisper bite.

2nd Place: Grillo's Pickles Classic Dill Spears

I Tried 7 Grocery Store Dill Pickles, and the Winner Is a Total Classic (6)

“It’s gorgeous!” shouted one tester. It looked like an actual cucumber, and we loved the little “whispers” of fresh dill that clung to each pickle. This pickle also packed the biggest crunch and satisfying snap when eaten. It was pickle perfection, and the flavor delivered! We actually saw pieces of dill—and tasted them too. They were fresh and fabulous, and we ate our entire spear!

1st Place: Claussen Kosher Dill Spears

I Tried 7 Grocery Store Dill Pickles, and the Winner Is a Total Classic (7)

It’s sometimes hard to choose a winner, and my testers were somewhat split here, but Claussen won out over Grillo's by just a little bit. Like Grillo's, Claussen pickles are refrigerated and they are “nice and crunchy,” said one taste tester. We loved that about them, and that the flavor felt familiar, but also unique, with bold acidity and tang that had our mouths watering. We all agreed that Claussen got it right! Big pickle spears packed with crunch and clean flavor! For those reasons, it’s our favorite.

I Tried 7 Grocery Store Dill Pickles, and the Winner Is a Total Classic (2025)


What is the most popular pickle? ›

Dill pickles are the most commonly known pickle type. Dill pickles include vinegar, pickling salt, and dill in its brine, whether it be fresh, dried, or in seed form. Dill pickles can also be prepared to be Kosher certified.

What are the healthiest pickles? ›

Fermented dill pickles are made with salt and not vinegar, so by comparison they are milder than vinegar pickles which contain acetic acid. These are the gut healthy, microbiome-boosting superfood pickles that you should be consuming everyday, three times a day.

Are dill pickles good for you? ›

For example, a whole dill pickle has about: 20% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin K, which helps your blood clot and keeps your bones strong. 6% of the calcium adults need for strong bones and teeth and healthy nerves. 2% of your daily requirement of potassium, which helps your nerves work right.

What is America's favorite pickle? ›

The dill spear is America's favorite pickle, and none are more popular than Vlasic® Kosher Dill Spears. Tasty, juicy, and crunchy, the fresh-pack Vlasic Spear is cut lengthwise and perfect on a plate with your favorite sandwich.

What is the oldest pickle brand? ›

Mt. Olive Pickle Company
Company typePrivate
FounderShikrey Baddour and George Moore
HeadquartersMount Olive, North Carolina, United States
Productspickled cucumbers, mixed pickle, relish, and other pickled products
3 more rows

Which pickle is best in taste? ›

Meanwhile, check out this list of the best pickles available online:
  • Add me Homemade Stuffed Green Chilli Pickle. ...
  • Homemade Love Authentic Punjabi Mango Pickle. ...
  • Pravin Suhana Pickles- Mango Pickle. ...
  • Soul Garlic Pickle in Olive Oil. ...
  • Mother's Recipe Mixed Pickle. ...
  • Tops Gold Mixed Pickle. ...
  • Priya Tomato Pickle with Garlic.
Feb 15, 2024

What type of pickles does McDonald's use? ›

McDonald's uses dill pickles in their burgers including in the Big Mac®.

What state is most known for pickles? ›

Approximately 100,000 to 125,000 acres are devoted to growing pickling cucumbers in the United States. They are grown in more than 30 states, with the biggest producers being California, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, North and South Carolina, Texas and Wisconsin.

Is it OK to eat pickles everyday? ›

It's okay to eat pickles daily if you're balancing out their sodium content with fresh, low-sodium produce like fruit and leafy greens,” Largeman-Roth advises. This is another reason to buy fermented pickles; the non-fermented, unrefrigerated, quick-pickled brands often have more sodium.

Is pickle juice good for your kidneys? ›

It's safe to enjoy a small cup of pickle juice, but make sure that you do not exceed your daily value of sodium. People with high blood pressure, gout, and heart, liver, or kidney disease might need to avoid pickle juice.

What pickles are good for your stomach? ›

So, what you want to look for are unpasteurized fermented pickles, which can be found in the refrigerated section of grocery stores, often in the cheese section. It is always good to double-check the label as well. If vinegar or pasteurized is indicated on the label, chances are probiotics are absent.

How many dill pickles can you eat in a day? ›

It could be healthy to eat pickles daily, as long as they're eaten in moderation—one or two spears or a few pickle chips might be OK. The sodium content is another way to determine how many pickles to eat.

Are too many dill pickles bad for you? ›

If you're on a low-sodium diet, pickles should not be consumed on a regular basis, says Zumpano. People with high blood pressure, heart failure, or kidney or liver disease should only enjoy pickles as a once-in-a-while treat, says Largeman-Roth.

Are dill pickles anti-inflammatory? ›

Promotes weight loss: As a low-calorie snack, pickles can be a satisfying and healthy option for those trying to lose weight. Fights inflammation: The antioxidants in pickles can help reduce inflammation in the body, which is linked to various chronic diseases.

What is the number one pickle company? ›

Grillo's Pickles Fresh Pickle Spears

Garlic-heavy, sour and full of crunch, Grillo's took home top honors in this contest of the cucumbers with a pickle that excelled in practically every category.

What brand of dill pickles does Burger King use? ›

1980. With the nationwide fast-food market growing by at least 30-40%, Hausbeck lands its first fast-food contract with Burger King — a game changer for the company. For 20 years, Hausbeck's growth follows that of Burger King.


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.