Fall River’s Great Feast of the Holy Ghost: Your guide to parades, music, food and more (2025)

FALL RIVER — The Great Feast of the Holy Ghost of New England — arguably the largest event honoring the Azores’ religious and cultural traditions in the United States — will return to Kennedy Park in Fall River from Aug. 21 to 25.

Celebrated since 1986, the festivities are elaborate and include an ethnographic parade, distribution of food to the poor, crowning procession, crafts, music concerts and a banquet.

“Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join us,” said 2024 Great Feast President Herberto Silva. “Our feast belongs to the whole community.”

Historically, the celebration draws more than 100,000 visitors, from as far as Canada and Portugal, though Silva said “We’re hoping to have a bigger feast than last year.”

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Fall River’s Great Feast of the Holy Ghost: Your guide to parades, music, food and more (1)

Serving his second year as president, Silva said he did not make any major changes to curb expenses. Organizers estimate this year’s celebration will cost more than $200,000.

“We had a big surprise this year, an additional cost,” Silva said. “We must pay about $30,000 to the police. It’s something we didn’t have to worry about before. I hope everybody comes out and join us. It’s important to continue this tradition, but to do so we need everybody’s help.”

Here is what you need to know before you go:

When is the Great Feast of the Holy Ghost of New England open?

  • Wednesday, Aug. 21: 5 to 9:30 p.m.
  • Thursday and Friday, Aug. 22 and 23: 7 to 11 p.m.
  • Saturday, Aug. 24: 9:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.
  • Sunday, Aug. 25: noon to 10 p.m.

Will there be road closures for the Holy Ghost feast?

Closures and potential delays are expected to affect streets around Kennedy Park. For updates on parking and street closures during the feast week, visit theCity of Fall River Facebook page orfallriverma.org.

Fall River’s Great Feast of the Holy Ghost: Your guide to parades, music, food and more (2)

Where can I park my car near the Holy Ghost feast?

Residents living near Kennedy Park will get special permits from the Fall River Police Department allowing them to park nearby. For visitors, street parking in the immediate area of the Holy Ghost feast may be hard to find, but spaces may be available a short walk away.

What is the schedule for the Great Feast of the Holy Ghost opening night?

The festivities will kick off on Wednesday, Aug. 21, at 5 p.m. with the recitation of the rosary. It will be followed at 6 p.m. by the free distribution of the traditional Holy Ghost Soup, which this year will be prepared by the Irmandade do Divino Espírito Santo do Pico (Brotherhood of the Divine Holy Ghost of Pico) of New Bedford.

Following the tradition of charity and solidarity, a bowl of soup and sweet bread will be served to everyone. The soup mainly consists of meat and broth poured on top of bread, and is freshly seasoned with mint leaves, onions, garlic and other ingredients.

Although the soup tradition is celebrated throughout the Azores, the recipe varies from island to island.

“We are preparing to serve 1,200 people,” feast organizers told O Jornal. “We’d like to cover all the islands and please everyone.”

Fall River’s Great Feast of the Holy Ghost: Your guide to parades, music, food and more (3)

Last year, the soup was prepared the Terceira way. In past years, it followed the São Miguel and Santa Maria recipes.

“Let’s see if next year we can do it like they do in Faial. But it all depends on the feast’s president,” added the organizers.

'One more festa':Fall River's 2023 Holy Ghost feast marks the glory of all things Portuguese

When will the Great Feast of the Holy Ghost light up the giant crown?

On Thursday, Aug. 22, at 7 p.m., a special illumination ceremony will turn on thousands of bulbs, lighting up the giant crown in Kennedy Park, representing the Holy Spirit, and other decorations on the feast grounds.

What marching bands are coming from the Azores for the Great Feast of the Holy Ghost?

This year, the Great Feast of the Holy Ghost of New England will feature three marching bands coming from São Miguel, Azores: the Filármonica Lira Nossa Senhora Estrela of Candelária; the Filarmónica Estrela do Oriente of Algarvia; and Charanga dos Bombeiros Voluntários de Vila Franca do Campo.

They will perform at Kennedy Park and march in the Bodo de Leite ethnographic parade and Crowning Procession.

Fall River’s Great Feast of the Holy Ghost: Your guide to parades, music, food and more (4)

Live music at the Great Feast of the Holy Ghost:What bands will play

Thursday, Aug. 22

Starting at 7 p.m., the musical acts are geared toward younger audiences, with performances by Nathan Pimentel/Sabrina; Xa Xa/Dimanne; Pedro Vieira; and Band Inc.

Friday, Aug. 23

Headliners Legacy band will performfrom 10 to 11 p.m. Other performers include Folias do Espírito Santo da Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Rosário de Providence (8:30 p.m.); Jessica Amaro of Canada (9 p.m.), and Emily of California (9:30 p.m.).

Saturday, Aug. 24

Portuguese-American singer Nelia and her band will headline on Saturday, from 9:45 p.m. to 11 p.m. Other performers include: Filármonica Lira Nossa Senhora Estrela of Candelária, São Miguel, Azores (7 p.m.); Nelson (8:45 p.m.); and Promix (9:05 p.m.).

Sunday, Aug. 25

Headlining Sunday will be Portuguese-American singer Joey Medeiros of Californiafrom 8:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. Other performers include Filarmónica Estrela do Oriente of Algarvia, São Miguel, Azores (5:30 p.m.) and Jessica Amaro of Canada (7:15 p.m.).

Does the Holy Ghost feast help the needy?

On Friday, 366 pensões, or offerings of bread, meat, and other food items, will be blessed at 7 p.m. by Bishop Armando Esteves Dominges of the Angra do Heroísmo Diocese, Azores.

After he sprinkles the pensões with holy water, they will be donated to 366 needy individuals and families, epitomizing the celebration’s meaning of charity and gratitude — one for every day of the year, including Leap Day.

The Filarmónica Lira Nossa Senhora Estrela of Candelária, São Miguel, Azores, will perform a few tunes.

Beginning at 8 p.m., local and Azorean artisan vendors will sell regional products from the Azores.

Fall River’s Great Feast of the Holy Ghost: Your guide to parades, music, food and more (5)

When is the Bodo do Leite ethnographic parade?

On Saturday, Aug. 24, the crowd-favorite ethnographic parade of Bodo de Leite will make its way from the Gates of the City on Ponta Delgada Boulevard to Kennedy Park, starting at 9:30 a.m.

A colorful portrayal of Azorean folk life and culture, the parade will feature numerous floats, traditional ox carts, bands, folklore groups and hundreds of participants in traditional costumes recreating traditional Azorean village life.

The Filarmónica Estrela do Oriente of Algarvia, São Miguel, Azores, will close the parade.

“We’re expecting a bigger parade than last year,” the feast’s general coordinator told O Jornal. “Everything points to that.”

In the afternoon, several folkloric groups will take part in a Folklore Festival, from 2 to 4 p.m. Performing will be the Cranston Portuguese Club Folklore Group, Azorean Cultural Society Folklore Group, and the Despensa de Mar e Terra Vila de Rabo de Peixe USA.

What food will be available at the Holy Ghost feast?

There will be an abundance of Portuguese food and desserts during the feast, including caçoila, favas, chouriço, linguiça and malassadas, as well as American favorites like hamburgers, hot dogs and french fries.

When do the Holy Ghost feast Mass and Crowning Procession start?

On Sunday, Aug. 25, the Mass and Crowning Ceremony will take place at Santo Christo Church on Columbia Street at noon, concelebrated by Bishop Armando Esteves Domingues of Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, and the Rev. Maurice Gauvin, pastor of Espírito Santo Church of Fall River.

Fall River’s Great Feast of the Holy Ghost: Your guide to parades, music, food and more (6)

This will be followed by the Crowning Procession at 2 p.m. led by Domingues and honored guests, including Vânia Ferreira, mayor of Praia da Vitória, Azores; Paulo Estevão, regional secretary for Parliamentary Affairs and Communities for the Regional Government of the Azores; José Andrade, Azorean RegionalDirectorofCommunities; Daniel da Ponte, representative of the Portuguese Communities; Francisco Duarte Lopes, ambassador of Portugal to the United States; Tiago Sousa, consul of Portugal in New Bedford; Rui Carvalho e Melo, president of the Humanitarian Association of Voluntary Firefighters of Vila Franca do Campo, São Miguel, Azores; Fall River Mayor Paul Coogan; East Providence Mayor Robert DaSilva; Lélia Pereira da Silva Nunes, president of the Santa Catarina Academy of Letters in Brazil; state Sen. Michael Rodrigues; state Rep. Alan Silvia; state Rep. António F. D. Cabral; and other religious, civil and political groups.

Featuring several philharmonic bands and numerous brotherhoods from all over the region, the procession will start at Columbia Street and head to South Main Street toward Kennedy Park.

When does the Great Feast of the Holy Ghost end?

The feast will come to a close on Monday, Aug. 26, with a banquet at White’s of Westport, starting at 6 p.m., with the presence of brotherhoods, special guests, dignitaries and community members.

Tickets are $55. For more information or to reserve tickets, call 603-557-0311 or email info@grandesfestas.org.

For more information about the Great Feast of the Holy Ghost of New England, visit their website atgrandesfestas.com.

Fall River’s Great Feast of the Holy Ghost: Your guide to parades, music, food and more (2025)


What is the meaning of the Holy Ghost Feast? ›

​Each year on the Saturday and Sunday of Labor Day weekend, the members of the Stonington Portuguese Holy Ghost Society and their friends and families gather to pay homage to the Holy Spirit in a celebration recalling their heritage and their devotion to the third person of the Blessed Trinity.

What is the festival of the Holy Ghost in the Azores? ›

This festival is usually held on Pentecost Sunday (a.k.a. Whitsuntide or Whitsunday), the seventh Sunday after Easter, but could be held on any Sunday between Easter and Pentocost Sunday. The participants and onlookers think of the festival as a quaint manifestation of Portuguese community spirit.

What does the Holy Ghost give you? ›

The Holy Ghost, a member of the Godhead, bears witness of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. He is the source of personal testimony and revelation. He can guide us in our decisions and protect us from physical and spiritual danger. He is known as the Comforter, and He can calm our fears and fill us with hope.

What is the difference between the Holy Ghost and the gift of the Holy Ghost? ›

“There is a difference between the Holy Ghost and the gift of the Holy Ghost. Cornelius received the Holy Ghost before he was baptized, which was the convincing power of God unto him of the truth of the Gospel, but he could not receive the gift of the Holy Ghost until after he was baptized.

What happens during the Ghost Festival? ›

Throughout the seventh lunar month, many Chinese observe the festival by making offerings of food, joss sticks, candles, paper money and other paper effigies such as houses, cars and clothes to the dead.

What is the Holy Ghost tradition in Portugal? ›

The history of the festa of the Holy Ghost is based on the miracle of a 14th century Queen St. Isabella of Portugal, who helped to feed the poor during a time of famine that ravaged the Azores and Portugal. She had deep faith in the Holy Spirit and often prayed, asking for food to feed the poor.

What is the ritual of the Ghost Festival? ›

Monks and priests often throw rice or other small foods into the air in all directions to distribute them to the ghosts. During the evening, incense is burnt in front of the doors of households. Incense stands for prosperity in Chinese culture, so families believe that there is more prosperity in burning more incense.

What is the significance of the Ghost Festival? ›

Rooted in Asian culture, it is an annual event held to honor and appease restless spirits. Its origins can be traced back to ancient Buddhist and Taoist beliefs. According to ghost festival history, the gates of the underworld open during the seventh month of the lunar calendar.

What is the biblical meaning of the Holy Ghost? ›

The Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead. He is a personage of spirit, without a body of flesh and bones. He is often referred to as the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of the Lord, or the Comforter.

What is the ghost at the feast? ›

ghost at the feast (plural ghosts at the feast) (idiomatic) A presence that mars one's enjoyment by causing guilt or reviving unwelcome memories.

What does it mean to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost? ›

Each person must “receive the Holy Ghost.” This means that the Holy Ghost will come to us only when we are faithful and desire help from this heavenly messenger. To be worthy to have the help of the Holy Ghost, we must seek earnestly to obey the commandments of God. We must keep our thoughts and actions pure.


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